Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A Platter Full of Heavenly Delights

A Platter Full of Heavenly Delights: “Are you safe?” The question surprised me. “Of course,” I replied. “I saw all these ‘I’m safe’ posts on FB,” said my daughter, on Viber from P...

Oh Baby, Baby, It’s a Wild World

Oh Baby, Baby, It’s a Wild World: “Hey sing that song again,” drawled my friend Tulsi lazily, as he stretched out on the sofa, his eyes closed, his mind totally spaced out. So, taking a deep drag on my joint, I began again...

Disneyland’s Tribute to Exciting Nepal

Disneyland’s Tribute to Exciting Nepal: Part 1: Africa Safari and Riding the Kali

As we flew from New York to Orlando, the scene was such as to lull the senses into a state of complete serenity. The dark blue waters of the mighty ocean s...

The Secret to Enlightenment

The Secret to Enlightenment: Comes a time in a man’s life when nothing much matters, when one just wants to say, the hell with everything, who cares?

One only hopes that such times are few and far between, otherwise our...